Latest OnePlayer Version


When embedding the puzzles in an iOS or Android WebView, you can point to an iFrame that we generate for your puzzles. In web, you can also use this implementation but it’s preferred to use the custom element implementation.

The URL is in the format[CUSTOMER_ID]/[EMBED_ID]-cdn-file.html

<iframe src="[URL]" />

OnePlayer parameters

You can specify start parameters by putting them in the querystring of the iFrame URL.

These are the supported querystring parameters on the <iframe/>:

Attribute Type Optional Default Change via API
src string false - No
theme string true “lightMode” setTheme
language string true “nl” setLanguage
userId string true undefined No
isInWebView bool true false setIsInWebView

Set the parameters like this:

<iframe src="[URL]?theme=darkMode&language=en&userId=abc&isInWebView=true"></iframe>


The recommended method is embedding the URL within a WKWebView.

In the WKWebViewConfiguration, add yourself as a script message handler. We send all messages over the allMessages messagehandler.

webViewConfiguration.userContentController.add(self, name: "allMessages")

The script message handler that you registered will then be called like this:

func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
    guard == "allMessages" else { return }
    … decode the message.body and handle it …



The WKScriptMessage.body

  • name: PlayerExternalEvent;
  • prevState?: PlayerState;
  • nextState?: PlayerState;
  • data?: any;


These are the event types the players emits:

  • started
  • completed
  • closed
  • aborted
  • share
  • visitUrl
  • all


  • initializing
  • ready
  • playing
  • finished